Albion Rovers..Cliftonhill Stadium, Coatbridge..23.12.17.Albion 3-2 East Fife.The club would like to thank all supports and staff of both clubs who kindly donated money and food to the Coatbridge Community Food Bank..Today we raised £636.12 and handed in over 40 bags of products. .We had a great wee surprise from Angela who helps run the food bank and got a picture with a couple of supporters - Stephen Kelly (left) and Nick Simpson....Picture Copyright:.Iain McLean,.79 Earlspark Avenue,.Glasgow.G43 2HE.07901 604 Rights Reserved.

Albion Rovers..Cliftonhill Stadium, Coatbridge..23.12.17.Albion 3-2 East Fife.The club would like to thank all supports and s...