Bute Brew Co, Rothesay..24.4.18.Pictured at the Bute Brew Co are Aiden Canavan and Simon plus spaniel Fergus...More info from Claire Munro at Zero Waste Scotland.07702976594.claire.munro@zerowastescotland.org.uk...Pictures Copyright: Iain McLean.79 Earlspark Avenue.G43 2HE.07901 604 365.www.iainmclean.com.photomclean@googlemail.com.07901 604 365.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.No Syndication.Free for editorial use by third parties only in connection with the commissioning client's press-released story. All other rights are reserved..

Bute Brew Co, Rothesay..24.4.18.Pictured at the Bute Brew Co are Aiden Canavan and Simon   plus spaniel Fergus...More info fr...