Inverclyde Council Recycling Facility, Greenock..8.9.15.The launch of the Zero Waste Scotland / SEPA technical document for local authorities to advise councils on how to sort recycling materials ahead of the new code of prictice coming in..Pictured are:.Ian Moffat (Inverclyde Council Head of Environmentaland Commercial Services - tall, grey tie), Gary Walker (SEPA - glasses), and Andrew Dickson (Resource manager ZWS, glasses and beard)...More info from Claire Munro at Zero Waste Copyright: Iain McLean.79 Earlspark Avenue.G43 2HE.07901 604 604 365.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Inverclyde Council Recycling Facility, Greenock..8.9.15.The launch of the Zero Waste Scotland / SEPA technical document for l...